Art made by Dongly12.
The Crusaders may be getting a little older, but they still can have fun. Today they agreed to get boxes and form a train. The catch is they all had to wear overalls, bandanas, and train engineer caps.
Scootaloo and Apple Bloom each brought boxes, but Sweetie Belle forgot. No big deal, as two of them could share a box. The order, Scootaloo would take the front, Apple Bloom would be in the middle, and Sweetie Belle Takes up the back. They all get situated, as Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle share a box.
All Aboard! Next stop, Canterlot! Choo Choo! The three Crusaders puff their steam train down the tracks, starting slow but working their way up. Chugga Chugga Chugga Chugga, Choo Choo!
Suddenly, Apple Bloom feels something. Her breast is getting touched by Sweetie Belle, whose hand is inside Apple Bloom’s overalls. Sweetie Belle’s train sounds start sounding more seductive, all while Scootaloo is still going at it like normal.
What happens next in this adventure down the tracks? Will a whistle blow in more ways than one? To be honest, not even I know.