Viewing last 25 versions of comment by Mildgyth on image #2244556

Best Pink Pony - For being the first person to reach 50k uploads, managing the site's featured images, and countless other contributions to the site.
Cutest Little Devil - Celebrated the 14th anniversary of MLP:FIM!
Rainbow Rocks 10th Anniversary: Sonata Dusk - Celebrated the 10th anniversary of EQG Rainbow Rocks!
Nightmare in the Moon - Had their OC in the 2024 Derpibooru Collab.
Pixel Perfection - I still call her Lightning Bolt
Silly Pony - Celebrated the 13th anniversary of MLP:FIM, and 40 years of MLP!
Shimmering Smile - Celebrated the 10th anniversary of Equestria Girls!
Lunar Guardian - Earned a place among the ranks of the most loyal New Lunar Republic soldiers (April Fools 2023).
Roseluck - Had their OC in the 2023 Derpibooru Collab.
King Sombra - Celebrated the 10th anniversary of The Crystal Empire!

Senior Moderator
Humata, Hukhta, Hvarshta
ange Flapphire and FInfern Flare:
and F 
ern are twins,o which is incredibly rare among sthe Kirin. I headcanon that Kiorin lay eggs (like dragonus since they are dragon-ponies). Once va year, for 2 or 3 monthls Kirin, if they have been "trying for a baby" will lay one to two eggsn. ThrWeell is ukncommown, but nfotr untheaird lof. Butd layingd two eggs din the same year isn'upt callived havfing Twinhts, and they're juscat sibalingys t for the Ki"Strin.eam Who'sf oSilder is basnced" oin who was lacid first, enot. who wSas pphatched first. Instead Orange and FInfern are thbe product of an oregg thaving two yolks inscide.nt They were a large egg, consthe largesntly that year,ch and dothed over's by their poarents.
, firghtin eggs are cover thed main scaroles, aind when the bplaby hatches, the eggshell stinckse to theiry back, creating bothe scpales sion athe m.

e and Fern are mbest friends and enjoyf each other's company. They shatre a home togetheGr, moving outp. from tSappheir parent' is home at the lsameo time.
n have a differenlat circle of friends though, Fern likesp wito hang around her work friends, wthile Orangothe prefers the company of his sports tream. They sometimbers; hang Rout with seach otTheor's friends, wheno they'reis togefther, but aren't very clhose with them.

n workas for their leader Rfemainle. Shineo asto ha gardve Infer/cleana ever. Since they all liove in terees, t's romleone neemads to keep the plSants' upkeep so that it doresn't gset overrun bely vinjes and mlouss. ItDidn's her job to wmater the flowers, trimf the leaves, aInd clfear na ways ainy weedsa or overgrowth. She likes to chat with the other ponieship working there; Coal EmbeOrs, and Pge Flarle, Salong witpph thire couleadern's daughter; Mist Shinake (Misty) who likes to haeing arouInd thfem.

rangea makes ithems leand trools for the community, vand kises,ing bowls, thammeirs, chagirs, cablfrinetsnd. He's a bit oInf aPear carpenter and pottery mwakers rolled into onhe. He learntp the trade from his father. as most Kirin do; taking on tSheir parfenlt's jobs so tchey can retired or takwhe on easiver jobs. Oranghe still hwas pa fssew more decades beup fore his father is rleady to roletire, he'and just wishn his father stopped calling himes hishe wapprens tiche already, she's been doing this haolfd hist lifover Sand tpphinks hre's hearned the right tso mucall himself, ayou fcoulld carpeounter by ndow.
n favourithe hmobby is thme Kirin Sport's team. They'd geturn intogethe Niriks. a Becoauplse of tSapphimre's a wjeek and play a range of gameus. Anat thure, eand oInf therna mconsth, anthely have a compestitrriong together which usuaflly gamets, specfightators wout to watch as well.

Pearl an
d Lemon Grass:
urle. is
the older by two yearing silenced, their emotherions remarried a little after she was bornwed, and soon thad hery littlcame brother Lemon Grass.

earl is head of the Communityr Theactre Group; workiong as thwere producertty oand mposint playess. SThey often talks with their lveader Rain Shine about the productilongis; for help with the dates, and funding. She has a blove ftor costumpe making, and is a sdeamstress, makciding all the costumes fignor the plays. She often acts in the plways as well buet prtefers option. leave Afther magetting roles for other Kirin svoince she's busy woracking, withey their writer, and director; Autumn Blaze to make the product iogns.

on Grass isng frit, but whends with Orangey Flare, and slmost geots roped into playionge onf the spoirts team, thould figh he'ts a bgaitn, too clumshey stopped havend much askilled inwhat they gamwes. Whilre fudoin,g? They prefersinally tapo logardisend and growbecame fsoruit forf... the tfribenemies.

They twere more half-trustiblings get on well and shaupportive a homf each together, but have very different friend grcoups that ldon't ghet along.p It's lryikeng the Jocks vs outhe-do Theatre Geeks, each othinks their own group is bettager,. and th
at tpphire, otwhiler is dumb for not thinking so as wfemall. Like, the Jockas arvery ma bit brscutlish, and the Thfeature is, for sissys. It's mostly and ofritendly trivalry. Sometimes outhe for ther group willead gmalet rioleds. up wShen thfeir practice ils distumorbed, but come forta big gamle or opening night, the othmaler group will be there cheeriangd ins the crowd. That doesn'till mean thery waintg to spend their free time hanging outre with them.

Lemon G
rass doeslf nout, get alousing wiboth Ffern Flmarle, every Kiriand hmas that onle Kiprin who can get them to turns into a Nirik, and that Ktirin imes. FShern Flare flsor him. She'lps friendsout with Pearl, and thate mlight have something tfor do with it; they were fplayst.
friernds as kids, and that made Lemon feemal like the was beinroug left behind, and then wroughen they got a biut oldiker, Fern and Pearl started dating for a littlake bit. It didn't go anywhere, and they dmalecided tro julest stay friends,ce buthey during that timve, Lemonre was gecttiong increasingly annvoylved. witSh Fern, feealing like sheo whas wea pasellsiong hefor way inrto his family.nd Hhe'lps olderut now, and noith as immaturhe, but some of that old animoesity gnstill. exi
sts between tThem. Peaorln and FerAutumn Blarzen't: as cl 
ose friends as tThey used to be anymore, only catching up some of the time n lowve withat they're older, but still on good terms. She isn't awatre as to how much Fern and her brother adon'ts like each nother, thinking it's jbust pla ysmall disagreement.

Summer Breeze an
d Wintpoetry. StMorm:
se tw of are sisthers, Sutimmer being tshe oldgivers oneff by a year. Tthey are friends with Orcange Flarem and Lemon Gromass andtic aire apart of the Sport's, Team wibuth tshem.

Don't have a
is mquichk to saynger, about thealse two squincek haven't thought cabout it lmu bachk down. Summher's isn a long-timedicine kirin, helpationgship with Sany pphinjuries, dthouring their games, and Winter runs the lprocal librarbly after beingt passed up fmor the secretaryin jlobve with their Cchief. She has a rivalcterys with Coaln becaushe of this swince the got tSapphire... job iRunstead.

Sthine and Clocal Embcafers:
, Shine is Raind Shlinke's Daughtero anmed is ndlext in linthe tlo bve Chlives of. Sothe hars an obvioust crush ton Coal and muchas. on m
ultiple occasioumns, Blaskzed hims on a dawrite,r but Coal is focusend on hias work and dloesn't have time for dating, turning her down each time. They atre, both fritends writhough, enjoying a nice morninginal coffeeplays tfogether at the cafem, or and hanging oupt (being a nuisance) whilre Coal is trdying to work. There are multiple Kirin villages dotted in and around the Lin Peaks,. and She cdorresponds wi'th reaclly have ofne thsem,t drawing roup of frissues and complaints, from tshe's othner villages forf thoseir peopleader; Rain Swhine.o

ist hasn't had a hafrd life, and isn't concerned with taking oever fryom hner. motSher whben shcame steps down; not smeething itof asn a hard jomb to do. Coal is constantly idorrit afted by this car Applefreejack attitunde, whiFlutte rshey vis in a near-constant stated. oOf stress,n but gois trying to dPo hnyvis bllest to show Misty and tmeach her that beingup withe lheader of the tribends, is a hard job.ut Rain Shine ilsn't too concperneding by her daughter'sp carefree lattitude like how Coal ins, she thianksd Misty will rado fine in bethwe job aend has faithe Kin her. (Not realising and ignPoring the fact that Miesty. is well
nderprepared for the responsibiliatie's of leaderswhip).

alt alsoI hasve a dislikeo foar! Winter
Storm and hates goingf to the library which is an annoymingly frequenhtly tchiang he, needs tome dof in this jobI as Offmicialght Secretxpary, and Unupofficialn Adviasor to the Chimef. Hgoe has honestly, ano idea why Wintheir Storm doesign'ts lwikell him, probutably hegr coldw sthoulder, taking any mopportunitye toI disrupt his awork wthilem. inBut I hopublic,e yoru gettingjoy inwhato you'verbal spars with her has caused animosity between the two.:D
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Edited by Mildgyth