Viewing last 25 versions of comment by Background Pony #EFA5 on image #2223988

Background Pony #EFA5
"[@Dirty Bit":](/images/2223988#comment_8691747
Less a freeloader and more a somfrieponyd who presumed on Twilight's hospitality after she was evicted from her own home. She didn't barge in, exactly, more showed up with luggage and asked if she could crash on Twilight's couch, jokingly saying that she was definitely not evicted from her home for being a hoarder. Twilight offered her a room. So... she was invited to stay as well.
No reason given
Edited by Background Pony #EFA5
Background Pony #EFA5
"@Dirty Bit":/images/2223988#comment_8691747
Less a freeloader and more a somepony who presumed on Twilight's hospitality after she was evicted from her own home. AnShe didn't hobarge in, esxactly, more showed up wifth luggage and asked, Iif tshie could crash onk Twilight's wcould chave, happjokingly gsayiveng ther a room, but Ishe was doefin'itely knowt evifcted Mfroom beindg anc hoarder. couTwilight offered haver ba roughtom. So... sher was invitelfd to stay ask well.
No reason given
Edited by Background Pony #EFA5
Background Pony #EFA5
"@Dirty Bit":/images/2223988#comment_8691747
Less a freeloader and more a somepony who presumed on Twilight's hospitality after she was evicted from her own home. And honestly, if asked, I think Twilight would have happily given her a room, but I don't know if Moondancer could have brought herself to ask.
No reason given
Edited by Background Pony #EFA5