[@Hollowfox The Worst](/images/2172949#comment_8549730)
> Not to mention it led to the show’s wasted potential on being mainstream.
Not sure what show you were watching because this show was in the mainstream for a number of years.
I can assure you that you Are in the minority on that point. There was nothing wrong with that episode.
[@Hollowfox The Worst](/images/2172949#comment_8550252)
> I just want G4 to be well known outside of the fanbase. Just like Star Trek.
The fact that it wasn’t well known really made the MLP movie lesser-known than Frozen or the MCU.
What the hell are you going on about? G4 was *very* well known outside the fandom. The reason why the movie failed is because 2D animated films are a rarity nowadays.
> And the fact that critics disliked it (not just for the whole “they’re not fans” thing, but for the fact that the film was a “standard/cliche/generic” animated film while ignoring the fact of it being faithful to the source material compared to other Hasbro films)
It's na adaptation. Nobody cares about how faithful it was to the source material, especially seeing as how the film was stand-alone.
> and the underperformance at the box office (and Hasbro’s disappointment with the domestic BO performance not exceeding their expectations (despite its worldwide gain to make more money than its budget)
Dude, it only made $60,000,000 at the box office. Not very successful.
> leading to assumptions of this being the reason why they pulled the plug on the show), doesn’t help either.
They didn't pull the plug on the show. They ended it. They reboot the franchise every ten years or so, hence why we got G5 in the 2020#. In the 2030s, we'll get G6.
> Even Maud really only got a few lines here and there.
Clearly we weren't watching the same show. Maud got a lot of episodes dedicated to her, certainly more than just "a few lines here and there."
> Even worse is when you just make up reasons why people don’t like something instead of just asking them, like in the last bad take from OP when it was deposited that the reason the finale generated such a shitstorm was because people didn’t get their hyper-specific fan theories being proven true, when the reality is that the finale didn’t provide a satisfactory conclusion for many characters and as a result the investment that the audience put in them never received the proper payoff. They felt cheated, not because they didn’t get everything, but simply because they wanted something and the episode gave them nothing. This is not an unreasonable criticism, if you tell me to give a shit about what happens to this character, I except my investment to have a payoff.
Funny, because several people loved this finale precisely because they felt that it gave the characters a proper sendoff.
> hell, anyone who has stuck to this show right to the end clearly finds value in it despite the drop of writing quality (myself included)
The show didn't drop in quality writing was. You just want to pretend like it did because you're desperately searching for an excuse to complain.
> So, how did the Apples react to Granny Smith’s passing?
You know, that named character that has been a staple of the Apple Family since season one? Did she get to live to see her great-grandson? Did they choose to honour her in any way beyond AJ looting her corpse for her scarf?
You mean that old fart that we knew next to nothing about except that she was there when Ponyville was founded? And it's likely that she gave Applejack her scarf as a keepsake just before she died.
> So, how is the now presumably teenage Flurry Heart doing these days?
You know, that character that was stated to have such significance to the state of alicorns in the story? Twilight’s own niece, the daughter of the only other Princess in power by the end of the series? Is she adventurous? Reclusive? Funny? Boring? Compassionate? Impetuous? What was her canon character beyond “Baby”?
You mean that character that nobody cares about?
> How did she turn out after being nothing but a living breathing plot device for two whole seasons?
Uh, no. She was only a plot device in the opening to season six. Try again.
> So, about the Pie Family?
Are Pinkie’s Parents still on the farm by now? Have they retired? Are they dead? Did Marble and Limestone Pie stay on the farm or have they decided to look for other careers as well?
Again, you're talking about characters we knew next to nothing about. Why should we acre about characters we know nothing about?
> What about Maud Pie and Mud Briar? Did they decide to become parents or are they just enjoying each other’s comapany?
You mean those two random ponies nobody cared about, one of whom was only introduced in the penultimate season? Again I have to ask, why should we care about these characters when we don't know anything about them?
> Failure to resolve these threads leaves viewers who actually bothered to get invested in these characters unsatisfied, as I explained in great detail on the previous thread. I’ll just give you a link to the entire thing instead of repeating myself word for word again.
If you where satisfied by the ending then hooray for you, stop being so dismissive of people who desired the conclusion to the show to actually conclude loose plot/character threads instead of setting up a story that will never exist.
How is asking that anyone outside the Mane Six get any closure whatsoever asking for “hyper-specific headcanon expectations”? Why is it headcanoning for me to ask the writers to give a shit about the characters they themselves set up and just give me a simple answer.
Because none of the above are loose plot threads/characters. Nobody gave a shit about these characters because they weren't important to the story. They're called background characters for a reason.
> I never had any particular expectations of how Flurry Heart would turn out, I just wanted to see how she did. I wanted the writers to do their job and answer the point that they themselves opened.
No. You just wanted the writers to do what *you* wanted. People like you are exactly the type of people OP is talking about.
> but I wasn’t expecting the likes of Troubleshoes Clyde and Hoo’far to get a page long ending slide.
So why were you expecting the same thing for minor characters like Mudbriar and Maud?
> To go back to Flurry Heart, how about just a scene where she gets to show what her character was like? Didn’t have to be long, it could have just been a few well written lines that indicate what her personality was like, that would have done.
That's what fanfiction is for.
> Scootaloo’s first flight was something I really wanted to see, as well. I suppose disability inclusion is what they were going for, but she wanted it so much - it just seems too cruel. 😪
Tough. That's life. As. A disabled person myself, I like that they made it so she never filed, that she managed to find fulfilment working as a teacher at the School of Friendship.
Hence why the writers didn't bother with telling us what characters like Mudbriar or Flurry were up to.
> They introduced a pointless character, who could have been cut out of her episodes with a simple re-write and the plot would have been the same.
Wrong. You do realize that Flurry Heart was the catalyst to kick off the plot, right?
> “Hey, see these ponies? We’re going to go to the trouble of giving them an entire character and show you how they have repeatedly have an impact on the stories and lives of the main cast. But you’re not supposed to be invested in them or anything, that would be inane”.
Wrong. Characters like Flurry and Mudbriar did not have any kind of impact on the stories being told or the characters. Stop making up bullshit.
> Don’t give them a major impact on the development of other characters-especially not the MAIN characters.
Again, these characters didn't have an impact on the main cast, because, as you yourself said...
> They don’t appear because they have no impact whatsoever on the stories being told, therefore there is no reason for the audience to be invested in them.
> Not to mention it led to the show’s wasted potential on being mainstream.
Not sure what show you were watching because this show was in the mainstream for a number of years.
I can assure you that you Are in the minority on that point. There was nothing wrong with that episode.
[@Hollowfox The Worst](/images/2172949#comment_8550252)
> I just want G4 to be well known outside of the fanbase. Just like Star Trek.
The fact that it wasn’t well known really made the MLP movie lesser-known than Frozen or the MCU.
What the hell are you going on about? G4 was *very* well known outside the fandom. The reason why the movie failed is because 2D animated films are a rarity nowadays.
> And the fact that critics disliked it (not just for the whole “they’re not fans” thing, but for the fact that the film was a “standard/cliche/generic” animated film while ignoring the fact of it being faithful to the source material compared to other Hasbro films)
It's na adaptation. Nobody cares about how faithful it was to the source material, especially seeing as how the film was stand-alone.
> and the underperformance at the box office (and Hasbro’s disappointment with the domestic BO performance not exceeding their expectations (despite its worldwide gain to make more money than its budget)
Dude, it only made $60,000,000 at the box office. Not very successful.
> leading to assumptions of this being the reason why they pulled the plug on the show), doesn’t help either.
They didn't pull the plug on the show. They ended it. They reboot the franchise every ten years or so, hence why we got G5 in the 2020#. In the 2030s, we'll get G6.
> Even Maud really only got a few lines here and there.
Clearly we weren't watching the same show. Maud got a lot of episodes dedicated to her, certainly more than just "a few lines here and there."
> Even worse is when you just make up reasons why people don’t like something instead of just asking them, like in the last bad take from OP when it was deposited that the reason the finale generated such a shitstorm was because people didn’t get their hyper-specific fan theories being proven true, when the reality is that the finale didn’t provide a satisfactory conclusion for many characters and as a result the investment that the audience put in them never received the proper payoff. They felt cheated, not because they didn’t get everything, but simply because they wanted something and the episode gave them nothing. This is not an unreasonable criticism, if you tell me to give a shit about what happens to this character, I except my investment to have a payoff.
Funny, because several people loved this finale precisely because they felt that it gave the characters a proper sendoff.
> hell, anyone who has stuck to this show right to the end clearly finds value in it despite the drop of writing quality (myself included)
The show didn't drop in quality writing was. You just want to pretend like it did because you're desperately searching for an excuse to complain.
> So, how did the Apples react to Granny Smith’s passing?
You know, that named character that has been a staple of the Apple Family since season one? Did she get to live to see her great-grandson? Did they choose to honour her in any way beyond AJ looting her corpse for her scarf?
You mean that old fart that we knew next to nothing about except that she was there when Ponyville was founded? And it's likely that she gave Applejack her scarf as a keepsake just before she died.
> So, how is the now presumably teenage Flurry Heart doing these days?
You know, that character that was stated to have such significance to the state of alicorns in the story? Twilight’s own niece, the daughter of the only other Princess in power by the end of the series? Is she adventurous? Reclusive? Funny? Boring? Compassionate? Impetuous? What was her canon character beyond “Baby”?
You mean that character that nobody cares about?
> How did she turn out after being nothing but a living breathing plot device for two whole seasons?
Uh, no. She was only a plot device in the opening to season six. Try again.
> So, about the Pie Family?
Are Pinkie’s Parents still on the farm by now? Have they retired? Are they dead? Did Marble and Limestone Pie stay on the farm or have they decided to look for other careers as well?
Again, you're talking about characters we knew next to nothing about. Why should we acre about characters we know nothing about?
> What about Maud Pie and Mud Briar? Did they decide to become parents or are they just enjoying each other’s comapany?
You mean those two random ponies nobody cared about, one of whom was only introduced in the penultimate season? Again I have to ask, why should we care about these characters when we don't know anything about them?
> Failure to resolve these threads leaves viewers who actually bothered to get invested in these characters unsatisfied, as I explained in great detail on the previous thread. I’ll just give you a link to the entire thing instead of repeating myself word for word again.
If you where satisfied by the ending then hooray for you, stop being so dismissive of people who desired the conclusion to the show to actually conclude loose plot/character threads instead of setting up a story that will never exist.
How is asking that anyone outside the Mane Six get any closure whatsoever asking for “hyper-specific headcanon expectations”? Why is it headcanoning for me to ask the writers to give a shit about the characters they themselves set up and just give me a simple answer.
Because none of the above are loose plot threads/characters. Nobody gave a shit about these characters because they weren't important to the story. They're called background characters for a reason.
> I never had any particular expectations of how Flurry Heart would turn out, I just wanted to see how she did. I wanted the writers to do their job and answer the point that they themselves opened.
No. You just wanted the writers to do what *you* wanted. People like you are exactly the type of people OP is talking about.
> but I wasn’t expecting the likes of Troubleshoes Clyde and Hoo’far to get a page long ending slide.
So why were you expecting the same thing for minor characters like Mudbriar and Maud?
> To go back to Flurry Heart, how about just a scene where she gets to show what her character was like? Didn’t have to be long, it could have just been a few well written lines that indicate what her personality was like, that would have done.
That's what fanfiction is for.
> Scootaloo’s first flight was something I really wanted to see, as well. I suppose disability inclusion is what they were going for, but she wanted it so much - it just seems too cruel. 😪
Tough. That's life. As. A disabled person myself, I like that they made it so she never filed, that she managed to find fulfilment working as a teacher at the School of Friendship.
Hence why the writers didn't bother with telling us what characters like Mudbriar or Flurry were up to.
> They introduced a pointless character, who could have been cut out of her episodes with a simple re-write and the plot would have been the same.
Wrong. You do realize that Flurry Heart was the catalyst to kick off the plot, right?
> “Hey, see these ponies? We’re going to go to the trouble of giving them an entire character and show you how they have repeatedly have an impact on the stories and lives of the main cast. But you’re not supposed to be invested in them or anything, that would be inane”.
Wrong. Characters like Flurry and Mudbriar did not have any kind of impact on the stories being told or the characters. Stop making up bullshit.
> Don’t give them a major impact on the development of other characters-especially not the MAIN characters.
Again, these characters didn't have an impact on the main cast, because, as you yourself said...
> They don’t appear because they have no impact whatsoever on the stories being told, therefore there is no reason for the audience to be invested in them.