The fact that at one point Chrysalis was literally singing it while her minions were ransacking Canterlot, for the sake of the song reprise, kind of sealed it.
And it was outright stated that ritual was localized to the valley/basin, by Daring Do herself.
@Background Pony #6ED7, @Latecomer
We do have evidence that Chrysalis always had it in her to be evil: This Day Aria, where she admits to having dreamt of being a conqueress since she was small.
@Background Pony #9983
For the world? No. The world is way too big for one known ritual to cause a drastic global heat wave. The greatest area likely to be affected was the surrounding jungle.
Discord turned the world up-side down to satiate his own lust for irregularity. Not only that, but he continued to routinely screw with the main cast even after he was declared “reformed,” up to and including nearly getting Twilight Sparkle and Princess Cadance killed via the Tatzlwurm. Then there was the whole betrayal when he sided with Tirek. Fandom explanations aside, the show makes zero mention of Discord having planned that one the way it went down.
Chrysalis was obviously mentally unstable and broken after she lost her hive. She required help via a specially tailored institution (which we know exists in Equestria) rather than a firing squad.
Cozy Glow was a child. At the worst, the same thing that applies to Chrysalis applies to her.
Tirek is the only one who there is a legitimate argument against. Either way, he was helpless by the end of the second episode of the finale. On top of which, he was helpless while he was in Tartarus, too - which Discord circumvented and then afforded Tirek the strength to become a threat again.
If they deserved the firing squad, then Discord should have been the first to bite the proverbial bullet.
I never said that. You’re just finding ways to consider them murderers. Maybe I’m just finding ways to consider them not murderers but you obviously don’t know me very well.
What makes you think Chrysalis wasn’t already an adult by that point? Tirek was in Tartarus, so everything was exactly the same to him until he escaped.