"[@Background Pony #DBB8":](/images/2140462#comment_8452294
Crystal empire: if spike wasn't there twilight would have been traped, sombra would have won enslaved the crystal ponies and probibly started that war we saw in cutie re-mark.
Changelings:If spike hadn't befriended thorax he probiably would have died of starvation, Starlight and the others wouldn't have been able to find their way around the hive Chrysalis wouldn't have been overthrown and the princesses, mane 6,and probibly the rest of equestria would have spent the rest of their lives being feasted on.
Dragons: Without spike there Ember would have probibly drown, Someone else would have become dragon lord and one of two things would have happend. At best the new dragon lord would have been indifferent to equestria and relations would have remained strained between the two races. At worst the new dragon lord would have been hostile and attacked equestria.
Not to mention all the times spike suported twilight and reeled her in when she was depressed or looseing her mind (he contacted celestia during lesson zero.) His achievements may not have been all that flashy but if events played out without Spike things would be worse off.
Crystal empire: if spike wasn't there twilight would have been traped, sombra would have won enslaved the crystal ponies and probibly started that war we saw in cutie re-mark.
Changelings:If spike hadn't befriended thorax he prob
Dragons: Without spike there Ember would have probibly drown, Someone else would have become dragon lord and one of two things would have happend. At best the new dragon lord would have been indifferent to equestria and relations would have remained strained between the two races. At worst the new dragon lord would have been hostile and attacked equestria.
Not to mention all the times spike suported twilight and reeled her in when she was depressed or looseing her mind (he contacted celestia during lesson zero.) His achievements may not have been all that flashy but if events played out without Spike things would be worse off.