For real. As much as Celestia and Luna have been Worfed for the sake of the plot, they're rather_*powerful._* The two of them together kicked Sombra's ass _*without_* the Elements, and they probably would've taken Cozy Glow right out in the same way if she didn't use the bell as a cheap shot to drain them.
If Twilight could cast a petrification spell, so could the alicorn who was something like the headmare of the *_**School of Magic_*** and her alicorn sister.
Acting like Discord is the only one who could do this is weird, y'know?
And the only reason Discord escaped from stone (and presumably why he was conscious) is because he's Discord.
Indeed, Chrysalis is **far** weaker than Celestia and Luna individually in the state she was in, and so were Tirek and Cozy. The Elements aren't needed. (If someone thinks Chrysalis is stronger than Celestia, pay attention to her dialogue in A Canterlot Wedding, and note her surprise at winning; it isn't a permanent power boost, from absorbing love)
Discord_*asking_* to help them probably wouldn't have happened if he thought they **couldn't** do it themselves, because then they wouldn't have had a _*choice._*
For real. As much as Celestia and Luna have been Worfed for the sake of the plot, they're rather
If Twilight could cast a petrification spell, so could the alicorn who was something like the headmare of the *
Acting like Discord is the only one who could do this is weird, y'know?
And the only reason Discord escaped from stone (and presumably why he was conscious) is because he's Discord.
Indeed, Chrysalis is **far** weaker than Celestia and Luna individually in the state she was in, and so were Tirek and Cozy. The Elements aren't needed. (If someone thinks Chrysalis is stronger than Celestia, pay attention to her dialogue in A Canterlot Wedding, and note her surprise at winning; it isn't a permanent power boost, from absorbing love)