@Swashbucklist @Brony kaiju soldier
What are you guys talking about? Alot of fans love Spike. (Some to a huge degree.)
Also, just because he stubs his toe, or something doesn’t mean the writer’s hate him. By that logic, whoever wrote stuff like “Feeling Pinkie Keen,” or “Lesson Zero” must really hate Twilight.
Spike has gotten respect at times in the show, (even saved the day at times) and every other character has had humorous things happen to them, as well.
Speaking as a Spike-fan myself, I fail to see all this so-called “hatred.”
That’s a bad argument, because every character has had bad hate/torture fanfics made of them, and such. (Tiara probably has way more then Spike.) Scootaloo actually has more “abuse” pics then Spike, but regardless she’s still the most popular CMC, with way more good pics then the others. So even hate/bad/abuse pics/fics don’t speak for the majority.
As for getting left out of group pics, while a shame, Spike still gets plenty of fanart regardless. He has (so far as of posting this) 68,333 tagged images on this site. That’s actually way more then Derpy or other popular characters have.
So can we give the “Spike justice” argument a rest, guys? Especially, ‘cause it’s unrelated and off topic for the image?
Those stories were terrible. I, however, recall some equally terrible stories where Spike was vehemently hated, disowned, physically and emotionally abused, and tortured & murdered by his friends and other Ponyvillians ganging up on him.
I also believe there are several “mane cast” pictures out there that include Big Mac (artist wasn’t excluding males), the CMC (artist wasn’t excluding children), and Zecora (artist wasnt’ excluding non-ponies), but somehow “forgot” Spike.
Ah. No true scotsman, eh? For the record, I remember no supposed hatred, but I do remember lots of people complaining about what happened to Spike and writing stories where Spike is a hyper-aggressive super-manly violent stud who conquers Equestria.
No. It was not Spike’s fanbase doing any of that garbage, it was ONE, maybe two, emotionally underdeveloped losers. I’ve said some nasty things too, but not to that extent. And Spike really was quite hated.
Alright even though I admit that I was one of those people who thought he should be treated better, I didn’t complain directly to the show staff, let alone threaten to kill them!
Having an opinion and debating it is alright! Causing drama over it is a completely different story though.
Er, no. Not at all. Spike has been worshipped by a lot of fans. He has a rabid fanbase, in fact, who often complains about how much he’s supposedly hated. I mean, have you seen the Spikedrama pics with Spike threatening to kill the writers unless they treat him “better”?
Nope, Spike’s been treated like worthless crap by the characters, the writers, and the fandom for the longest time. It’s only recently that I see so many people appreciating him, and that didn’t happen until after they stopped hating him.
@Background Pony #9B72
Just like what people did to Godzilla KOTM movie. In 2014 they want more monster and in 2019 they been give more monster and the people said the want more human.