Hello raging bronies, mor anyone else who isn’t. My name is Rbloxmlp69. I’m representing us bronies who accept all the things that disappoint us, Firstly, I just wanted to say thanks to those kids raging for making the MLP fandom die even more. Second, not only have Bronies stopped watching MLP because they were disappointed in the finale, but because they hated Jim Miller for not giving them what they want. Third, if Jim Miller didn’t give what they want, then they would have asked for something as ridiculous as death and the other Mane 6 becoming alicorn princesses. This is why I never read MLP episode ideas. They’re just wrong. Bronies literally left because of this crap. Fourth, this is just a show. Sure, it’s enticing, but it’s just a show. Who really cares what could happen? Fifth, the episode “The Last Problem” was outrageous to many of the bronies who are obsessed with MLP. Sixth, many reaction videos that they did are just not suitable. I would not scream at a cartoon. Seventh, they have raged so many times and the writers and MLP staff are sick of it. It is not funny, it is not nice, it is very rude. Really, come on now. All this drama just needs to stop.
-Signed, Rbloxmlp69
-Signed, Rbloxmlp69