Viewing last 25 versions of comment by Lunardrift on image #2119821


Biggest loser
"[@Background Pony #AA1E":](/images/2119821#comment_8376748
not really cause Sony's ownership of spider-man is fairly limited and was barely saved by spider-verse, plus PS4 was more Insomniac Games's work rather than Sony. Sony has permission to use spider-man but he's owned by Disney completely along with the rest of marvel since they took Fox as well; in practice Disney is the head commander and Sony is their secondary secretary
No reason given
Edited by Lunardrift

Biggest loser
"@Background Pony #AA1E":/images/2119821#comment_8376748
not really cause Sony's ownership of spider-man is fairly limited and was barely saved by spider-verse, plus PS4 was more Insomniac Games's work rather than Sony. Sony has permission to use spider-man but he's owned by Disney completely along with the rest of marvel since they took Fox as well; in practice Disney is the head commander and Sony is their secondary secretary
No reason given
Edited by Lunardrift