Background Pony #80EB
I say, good show! Now this guy gets it; regardless of wether or not the artistry is admittedly on the amateur side, when Fluttershy asks her daddy to fuck her throat, putting on the choker and fucking that throat is the proper response. No real man would disagree.
[@ShrimpShogun":](/images/2119006#comment_8374592) P.S. I like your art, like I said, it's admittedly a little rough around the edges, but I like it, you've got a good thing going, it's full of potential. You practice and work out the kinks (definitely no pun intended), and you're gonna be lit AF and on top of the booru.! I believe in ya ol' chap!
I say, good show! Now this guy gets it; regardless of wether or not the artistry is admittedly on the amateur side, when Fluttershy asks her daddy to fuck her throat, putting on the choker and fucking that throat is the proper response. No real man would disagree.