Copyright laws, as they stand are dusty old documents that are over a century old, and have received very little editing to factor in the age of the internet, and all the intricacies of modern copyright matters such as fandom content. As such, it's a huge grey area, like red said. Depending on the company, any and all fan content can be made, shared and even sold without consequence. Others might prohibit the later.
Judging by thier past responses, Hasbro is typically lenient with fan content, so long as they are credited. The only times Hasbro has stepped in and stopped fandom content for MLP was when the content in question was **so** high quality that it could be mistaken for the show (see JanAnimations), or when an extremely high quality fan project promoted physical violence, something they were probably skiddish about parents and kids then associating with the show (see 'Fighting is Magic', later turned 'Them's Fightin' Herds').
Snugs are Drugs for Bugs
Copyright laws, as they stand are dusty old documents that are over a century old, and have received very little editing to factor in the age of the internet, and all the intricacies of modern copyright matters such as fandom content. As such, it's a huge grey area, like red said. Depending on the company, any and all fan content can be made, shared and even sold without consequence. Others might prohibit the later.
Judging by thier past responses, Hasbro is typically lenient with fan content, so long as they are credited. The only times Hasbro has stepped in and stopped fandom content for MLP was when the content in question was **so** high quality that it could be mistaken for the show (see JanAnimations), or when an extremely high quality fan project promoted physical violence, something they were probably skiddish about parents and kids then associating with the show (see 'Fighting is Magic', later turned 'Them's Fightin' Herds').