Viewing last 25 versions of comment by Endgame on image #2090679

Non-Fungible Trixie -
Verified Pegasus - Show us your gorgeous wings!
Preenhub - We all know what you were up to this evening~
Artist -

Finding a clop tease on milovana was about the *last* thing I expected to see this morning. I think the only other clop I've ever seen on milovana was an anthro dash someone snuck in a hentai collection, once.  
I really liked your tease a lot. It had fun pictures, good pacing, some different path options to choose, and reactions to user actions. And it passed all my checks on coding bugs and basic grammar or spelling (which a depressingly large amount of teases there just fail).  
Some notes: the tease itself was fine, but more options/choices might be fun. By milovana standards, it's a bit short and vanilla, but if you're going for wider audience than just there that's understandable. I'd put a warning either on the description page or the first page of the tease that it *is* pony based, as saying it's clop wouldn't mean anything to most people there, and could just piss people off when they see pony porn. And I always like it when authors give an estimated time that a tease would take, so putting that in a description would be really nice. Also, I know giving sources for the pics used would be a pain, but it's really a good thing to do. You should also consider making a feedback thread on milovana itself, as most users aren't going to follow a derpibooru link.  
Honestly though, great job. I hope you do more in the future. I'd considered doing clop teases there before, but didn't think they'd get any audience, or that they'd end up getting downvoted into oblivion, but I may end up doing some now. ~~Though I'd really like to do a gay clop tease, but that's probably too niche.~~ I hope the ratings stay up on your tease!
No reason given
Edited by Endgame
Non-Fungible Trixie -
Verified Pegasus - Show us your gorgeous wings!
Preenhub - We all know what you were up to this evening~
Artist -

Finding a clop tease on milovana this morning was about the _*last_* thing I expected to see this morning. I think the only other clop I've ever seen on milovana was an anthro dash someone snuck in a hentai collection, once.
I really liked your tease a lot. It had fun pictures, good pacing, some different path options to choose, and reactions to user actions. And it passed all my checks on coding bugs and basic grammar or spelling (which a depressingly large amount of teases there just fail).
Some notes: the tease itself was fine, but more options/choices might be fun. By milovana standards, it's a bit short and vanilla, but if you're going for wider audience than just there that's understandable. I'd put a warning either on the description page or the first page of the tease that it _*is_* pony based, as saying it's clop wouldn't mean anything to most people there, and could just piss people off when they see pony porn. And I always like it when authors give an estimated time that a tease would take, so putting that in a description would be really nice. Also, I know giving sources for the pics used would be a pain, but it's really a good thing to do. You should also consider making a feedback thread on milovana itself, as most users aren't going to follow a derpibooru link.
Honestly though, great job. I hope you do more in the future. I'd considered doing clop teases there before, but didn't think they'd get any audience, or that they'd end up getting downvoted into oblivion, but I may end up doing some now. -~~Though I'd really like to do a gay clop tease, but that's probably too niche.-~~ I hope the ratings stay up on your tease!
No reason given
Edited by Endgame
Non-Fungible Trixie -
Verified Pegasus - Show us your gorgeous wings!
Preenhub - We all know what you were up to this evening~
Artist -

Finding a clop tease on milovana this morning was about the _last_ thing I expected to see this morning. I think the only other clop I've ever seen on milovana was an anthro dash someone snuck in a hentai collection, once.
I really liked your tease a lot. It had fun pictures, good pacing, some different path options to choose, and reactions to user actions. And it passed all my checks on coding bugs and basic grammar or spelling (which a depressingly large amount of teases there just fail).
Some notes: the tease itself was fine, but more options/choices might be fun. By milovana standards, it's a bit short and vanilla, but if you're going for wider audience than just there that's understandable. I'd put a warning either on the description page or the first page of the tease that it _is_ pony based, as saying it's clop wouldn't mean anything to most people there, and could just piss people off when they see pony porn. And I always like it when authors give an estimated time that a tease would take, so putting that in a description would be really nice. Also, I know giving sources for the pics used would be a pain, but it's really a good thing to do. You should also consider making a feedback thread on milovana itself, as most users aren't going to follow a derpibooru link.
Honestly though, great job. I hope you do more in the future. I'd considered doing clop teases there before, but didn't think they'd get any audience, or that they'd end up getting downvoted into oblivion, but I may end up doing some now. -Though I'd really like to do a gay clop tease, but that's probably too niche.- I hope the ratings stay up on your tease!
No reason given
Edited by Endgame