Viewing last 25 versions of comment by Vladiverse on image #2074170

Artist -

"[@Background Pony #5F06":](/images/2074170#comment_8437197
You are an imperialist then to deny soveregnity to people fighting for their freedom. Hong Kong was returned to China without it's citizen's consent. Once free and independent Hong Kong now has imposed laws and practice of a totallitarian regime that desires controll of it's citizens including censorships, propaganda and blocking information from the rest of the world. Imagine someone one day over Your heads decides Your town has been annexed by a foreign power that now claims to know better than You what information You should consume "for Your own good", that Your activity on the internet is beeing monitored and information deemed undesirable is censored becouse Your overlord decided itso, not mentioning an Orwelian social credits system that divides people into classes. What's going on there is awfull and I don't give a shit that western world gave up on Hong Kong to avoid tensions.
No reason given
Edited by Vladiverse
Artist -

"@Background Pony #5F06":/images/2074170#comment_8437197
You are an imperialist then to deny soveregnity to people fighting for their freedom. Hong Kong was returned to China without it's citizen's consent. Once free and independent Hong Kong now has imposed laws and practice of a totallitarian regime that desires controll of it's citizens including censorships, propaganda and blocking information from the rest of the world. Imagine someone one day over Your heads decides Your town has been annexed by a foreign power that now claims to know better than You what information You should consume "for Your own good", that Your activity on the internet is beeing monitored and information deemed undesirable is censored becouse Your overlord decided it not mentioning an rwelian social credits system that divides people into classes. What's going on there is awfull and I don't give a shit that western world gave up on Hong Kong to avoid tensions.
No reason given
Edited by Vladiverse