Viewing last 25 versions of comment by BSting on image #2005915

Artist -
The End wasn't The End - Found a new home after the great exodus of 2012

Infamous Bee Sting Guy

As the story suggests so far, it has the power to make any plant grow extremely fast, make her claws turn into vines that can be fully controlled, and have the vines covered in either razor-sharp vithornes or flowers that burst with calming (and paralyzing) pollen. However, by acquiring The Heart of Nature, she has stripped the Everfree Forest of its power, as all the plant life in that region will surely die.

Her power comes at a cost as well. If she uses her power too much too fast, then her OWN heart will suffer and risk many heart complications, risking death from overuse.
No reason given
Edited by BSting
Artist -
The End wasn't The End - Found a new home after the great exodus of 2012

Infamous Bee Sting Guy

As the story suggests so far, it has the power to make any plant grow extremely fast, make her claws turn into vines that can be fully controlled, and have the vines covered in either razor-sharp vines or flowers that burst with calming (and paralyzing) pollen. However, by acquiring The Heart of Nature, she has stripped the Everfree Forest of its power, as all the plant life in that region will surely die.

Her power comes at a cost as well. If she uses her power too much too fast, then her OWN heart will suffer and risk many heart complications, risking death from overuse.
No reason given
Edited by BSting