Wasn’t it Georgia Ball, the writer for that issue? It doesn’t look like the tweet in question was put on this site though… though her one about Grandpa Gruff was, as part of >>1060591.
Jay Fosgitt’s style is ugly and his Greta design was awful on it’s own rights. And now he’s going to be a whiner and not admit something went wrong. The fans should just shut up and not be “precious”.
KS: What’s a challenge that comes with working on licensed characters for a major publisher?
JF: I didn’t know jack shit about this show and didn’t care to. Like, I knew G1 ponies (ashamed to admit it), but I shied away from G4 because bronies. Show’s almost dead anyway, what do I care. IDW made me draw the entire comic in five seconds. That’s not even enough time to Google “MLP Greta” to see what she looks like, so I figured she probably looked barely anything like any other griffon in the same setting and was more like the chicken lady from Robin Hood, but like, brown, ‘cause I could at least tell the griffons were all brown. “Greta” sounded like a real go-getter name, too, so I gave her a blue collar shirt. Probably works on car transmissions or something. “We can do it!”, and all that.
KS: Ponies don’t have cars.
JF: [shrugs]
KS: Did Hasbro mind the –
JF: Hasbro doesn’t give a fuck about licensed stuff as long as it makes money and doesn’t endanger the brand. The last time they slapped IDW on the wrist was when they were making fun of autistic kids or something like that.
KS: That happened?
JS: It did or it didn’t? [shrugs]
Jokes aside, please bring this Greta into the show as a second griffon named Greta, and make it so everybody casually just says “Greta” and everybody automatically knows which one they’re talking to or about, with absolutely no comment on two characters having the same name
@Poison Trail
Maybe stop making a bunch of complaints that boil down to “You just want the staff to use your headcanon” and people will stop using that argument.
So, to expect him to not come up with his own design for already existing characters is to have an “idealized version” of them.
This is what happens when fans abuse the “You just want the staff to use your headcanon of X character” argument. It’s picked up on and used to the advantage of lazy artists and writers fully knowing they’re going to be defended by those fans no matter what.