Viewing last 25 versions of comment by Silver_lining on image #1994756

Artist -

Beautiful. I love the way the colors of the scene compliment one another, from the dark blue and silver of the night sky outside, the warm reds of the wall and lanterns, the lush green of the plants, the white of the curtains and tile, and the lighter blue of the pool in front of Luna. And of course the moon princess herself looks stunning. This deserves to be featured.
No reason given
Edited by Silver_lining
Artist -

Beautiful. I love the way the colors of the scene compliment one another, from the dark blue and silver of the night sky outside, the warm reds of the wall and lanterns, the lush green of the plants, the white of the curtains and tile, and the lighter blue of the pool in front of Luna. And of course the moon princess herself looks stunning. This deserves to be featured. ♥
No reason given
Edited by Silver_lining
Artist -

Beautiful. I love the way the colors of the scene compliment one another, from the dark blue and silver of the night sky outside, the warm reds of the wall and lanterns, the lush green of the plants, the white of the curtains and tile, and the lighter blue of the pool in front of Luna. This deserves to be featured. ♥
No reason given
Edited by Silver_lining