Ship: Pinkie Pie x Cheese Sandwich (Divorced).
Pinkie Pie x Party Favor (Today).
Senior name is Cheesing Cake.
The eldest name is Funnies Caramel.
Middle name is Party Pir.
The youngest is Pink Lav.
Party Pir hate Cheesing Cake and Caramel Funnies due to the fact that they are from the first husband of her mother. Funnies Caramel and Party Pir are constantly fighting.
Character Cheesing Cake: Energetic, cheerful. Conducts various competitions and events related to parties. Helps Wirron Sentry with this task.
The Caramel Character Of The Funnies: Comic. Helping his brother. Cook well. Confectioner.
Character Party Pir: Envious and annoying. Helps with Pink Lav.
Character Pink Lav: Perky.
Ship: Pinkie Pie x Cheese Sandwich (Divorced).
Pinkie Pie x Party Favor (Today).
Старшего зовут Cheesing Cake.
Старшую зовут Funnies Caramel.
Среднюю зовут Party Pir.
Младшую зовут Pink Lav.
Party Pir ненавидет Cheesing Cake и Funnies Caramel из-за того, что они от первого мужа её мамы. Funnies Caramel и Party Pir постоянно ссорятся.
Характер Cheesing Cake: Энергичный, весёлый. Проводит разные конкурсы и мероприятия, связанные с вечеринками. Помогает Wirron Sentry с этой задачей.
Характер Funnies Caramel: Шуточный. Помогает своему брату. Хорошо готовит. Кондитер.
Характер Party Pir:Завистливый и раздражающий. Помогает управиться с Pink Lav.
Характер Pink Lav:Задорный.