Beau Skunky
Sally isn't in IDW, you must be thinking of the post-reboot Archie Comic issues. (Where Sally wears clothes.) Though, I haven't seen any real SalXNic hints honestly, and Ian might've been joking about that. (He sometimes jokes, or teases things, and gauges whether fans want that, or not.)
I will admit, I'm not too big on SalXNic honestly, if that was their intention. I understand they're not allowed to 'ship Sally with Sonic anymore, (same goes for Amy) only a li'l teasing/flirting is allowed, but basically Sega doesn't want Sonic in a permanent relationship, and that's understandable, due to all the "SonSal VS SonAmy VS SonMina VS ect." 'shipper wars making it impossible for the entire fanbase to pleased with one 'ship. Still, it seems kinda unnecessary to 'ship her off with somebody else, or what is basically her computer.
I do kinda agree about Amy, she needs some balance between "Cutesy, annoying, comical, hyperactive love-struck, fangirl," and "strong-willed, smart, competent, butt-kicking action girl," without being one extreme, or the other. (Which she tends to go back and fourth in some canons. Like the "Sonic Boom" series.) If she's too competent, and lacks her cutesy/comical traits, then she kinda stops being Amy. I haven't seen how she is portrayed in the IDW series much though.
Ok, don't pull the "you're a white knight" bull-honkey on me please. (That just makes you look like a reverse-SJW.) How am I? All I'm saying is, you got alot of your facts about the Sonic comics, IDW, Archie, and Ian wrong. You seem to be misunderstanding what I'm saying. Reread what I said in previous posts.
Is there proof that he did that? (And just showing what may happen isn't necessarily a "promise") Besides, comics tend to change when they're in production, and if Sega said he can't use the Sky Patrol, and such, then there's nothing he can do about. A writer like Ian doesn't make all the choices, his comic editors, and execs at Sega are basically his bosses. So he might've had to change things whether he wanted to, or not.
Some games have some contunity, in fact, the old Archie comic Sonic series had alot of game adaptations, and story tie-ins in it's canon, (like Sonic Spinball, Triple Trouble, 3D Blast, the Adventure games, Unleashed, and many more) so they could actually reference, or tie in many events from the games into the comics actually if they wanted too.
The British Fleetway "Sonic the Comic" series also had some of the game stories in it's canon too, and so did the Sonic X anime/comic. So it's actually nothing new, or unusual in the Sonic comics.
Extra thicc
Sally isn't in IDW, you must be thinking of the post-reboot Archie Comic issues. (Where Sally wears clothes.) Though, I haven't seen any real SalXNic hints honestly, and Ian might've been joking about that. (He sometimes jokes, or teases things, and gauges whether fans want that, or not.)
I will admit, I'm not too big on SalXNic honestly, if that was their intention. I understand they're not allowed to 'ship Sally with Sonic anymore, (same goes for Amy) only a li'l teasing/flirting is allowed, but basically Sega doesn't want Sonic in a permanent relationship, and that's understandable, due to all the "SonSal VS SonAmy VS SonMina VS ect." 'shipper wars making it impossible for the entire fanbase to pleased with one 'ship. Still, it seems kinda unnecessary to 'ship her off with somebody else, or what is basically her computer.
I do kinda agree about Amy, she needs some balance between "Cutesy, annoying, comical, hyperactive love-struck, fangirl," and "strong-willed, smart, competent, butt-kicking action girl," without being one extreme, or the other. (Which she tends to go back and fourth in some canons. Like the "Sonic Boom" series.) If she's too competent, and lacks her cutesy/comical traits, then she kinda stops being Amy. I haven't seen how she is portrayed in the IDW series much though.
Ok, don't pull the "you're a white knight" bull-honkey on me please. (That just makes you look like a reverse-SJW.) How am I? All I'm saying is, you got alot of your facts about the Sonic comics, IDW, Archie, and Ian wrong. You seem to be misunderstanding what I'm saying. Reread what I said in previous posts.
Is there proof that he did that? (And just showing what may happen isn't necessarily a "promise") Besides, comics tend to change when they're in production, and if Sega said he can't use the Sky Patrol, and such, then there's nothing he can do about. A writer like Ian doesn't make all the choices, his comic editors, and execs at Sega are basically his bosses. So he might've had to change things whether he wanted to, or not.
Some games have some contunity, in fact, the old Archie comic Sonic series had alot of game adaptations, and story tie-ins in it's canon, (like Sonic Spinball, Triple Trouble, 3D Blast, the Adventure games, Unleashed, and many more) so they could actually reference, or tie in many events from the games into the comics actually if they wanted too.
The British Fleetway "Sonic the Comic" series also had some of the game stories in it's canon too, and so did the Sonic X anime/comic. So it's actually nothing new, or unusual in the Sonic comics.