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It’s a day to Celebrate Rainbow Dash over on Equestria Daily, and I’m finally getting back into a pony groove after an extended absence over the holidays. We’re getting into the final season of FIM, and I’d like to go out with a bang… So have some war-torn Rainbow Dash from the Sombra Wars timeline. This dystopian Dash design had a surprisingly modern look to her, complete with body armor and prosthetic wing, and she ended up being a lot of fun to draw. Despite the harshness of her timeline, I couldn’t help but to give her a bit of core Dash’s smirk… she knows she makes for an awesome recruitment poster.
I hope to be doing a lot more artwork this year, and I have a fair share stored up from last year that still needs to be shared as well. I’ll be starting a patreon while still posting things here as well, so I’ll have to keep myself busy!