If you might be wondering what I drew there, this is gift art for :iconcmcc: and :iconfyre-flye:. And yes, I’m still practicing on my new cartoon style. Anyways, here are the two Faust characters in bloo, Rainbow Dash and Blooregard Q. “Bloo” Kazoo. Hope you enjoy it, :iconfairytailfanatic2003:, :iconmikejeddynsgamer89:, :iconhubfanlover678:, :iconsleepless-raven67:, :iconcaptainedwardteague:, :iconciprianodraws:, :iconpatricksiegler:, :icongrantrules:, :iconisaiahortizpoops:, :iconriarasands:, :iconpaladin360:, and :icontechnoponywardrobeda:!
My Little Pony belongs to Hasbro
Foster’s Home for Imaginary Friends belongs to Cartoon Network