I didn’t really intend to write a sequel to that last one ( fav.me/dauixg4 ), but watching episodes like “The Saddle Row Review” “What About Discord?” and “Three’s a Crowd” just sorta set things in motion. I guess this one’s about that one moment you meant to say something awesome, heartwarming, or otherwise important, only to be interrupted by something embarassing, and the awkward aftermath where nopony lets you forget it until they’re good and ready. After all, everypony’s been there. If nothing else, I do believe I got that out of my system, so to speak, so at least whatever I come up with next, I promise it won’t involve an scatological humor.
(features modified screencaps from My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic)
DISCORD: …Greetings and salutations, everypony! So good to see you, my dear Princess Twilight… So, I hear you finally got over your irrational fear of quesadillas?
TWILIGHT SPARKLE: Does EVERYPONY know about that now? I thought Gabby Gums retired…
PINKIE PIE: And how! After eating 28 pancakes, she was totally blowin’ it up in there…
TWILIGHT: Come on, it’s not like nopony else…
RARITY: It’s really nothing to be that embarrassed about. My dear, Zecora makes an excellent herbal remedy for… ahem, less ladylike emissions.
DISCORD: Oooohh… A potential pick-me-up for a dyspeptic pony princess?
APPLEJACK: After all, if it ain’t payin’ rent…
RAINBOW DASH: …Kick it out!
FLUTTERSHY: Now, girls… It’s not easy… being breezy…
DASHIE: Good one… Flutterblast.
PINKIE: A sound and a fury, signifying nothing!
RARITY: Can we PLEASE talk about something else already?
DISCORD: So, good friends bonding over flatulence then?
TWILIGHT: Um, that’s not quite right…
AJ: Guess ya had to be there.
TWILIGHT: Uh, Spike, you’re not writing all of this down, are you?
SPIKE: If it ain’t payin’ rent… I’ve gotta remember that!…
TWILIGHT: And since when did you ever pay any rent?