Not being flawless is not the same as being a shit character. That entire song was the writers guilt tripping people into appreciating bad writing by posing this vague ideology of flaws being good.
@Background Pony #5661
The wiki entry doesn’t have the full script, notes on where the camera cuts to and what the music is doing, and a ton of other stuff you can only experience by watching the episode for yourself. Don’t worry, I’m going on a walk now, so you won’t miss anything by opening a tab and watching the ep. It truly is a great one. I’ve also written a bigass speech on why it’s so great. I want to shoehorn it in here before I make a video on it.
I don’t know if the site has rules against linking hosted eps or not, so look it up on Dailymotion: MLP The Best Night Ever.
@Background Pony #5661
I remember hearing Calliou was causing a lot of kids to act shittily like that kid. @Background Pony #5661
It’s a season one episode, and it’s aged brilliantly. Go watch it, then ask me why I love it so much.
Also, I remembered another thing I don’t like about Glimmer: The writers make others act dumb for her benefit. Is it daft to hate a character for what the writers do for her benefit? Maybe. I dunno, but moving on:
Remember that time Glimmer went back in time and prevented the Sonic Rainboom not by blasting a filly out of the sky like a game of duck hunt, but by convincing two bullies and their victims to stop competing and forgive each other and become best friends?
This “Forces Twilight to defend bullying” in a “Funny” scene, but… She’s an Alicorn. Others are able to look at her and say “Woah, are you an Alicorn?”. All Twilight would have to do is yell “Rainbow Dash, I’m your best friend from the future, I time travelled with this evil mare to stop her from stopping you! Thousands of ponies will die unless you pull off a Sonic Rainboom, right now!”
And just like that, Rainbow Dash will do it. Unless Glimmer lasers the filly again to stop her.
This could have been a neat little “Glimmer’s pro-stagnation morality is wrong and a lie she uses to get her way” moment, but the writers didn’t want to take it that direction. But they were fine with having Glimmer snipe RD, which means they only chose not to do this because they didn’t want Glimmer to “Lose badass points”.
Pretty much every mlp character is mentally unbalanced. Its to be expected when you make a show for children that the characters act dumb or straight insane.
@Kagura Kuroko
No, you’re thinking of the Sonic fandom. It’s so big, because Sonic has covered so many different bases, that no single sonic game could ever please everyone. And it’s dumb to mock them for that, since it’s not like they do Steven Universe fandom-tier shit.
Bronies and Star Wars fans can be pleased. Bronies liked MLP when the writers thought stuff through and weren’t all “Lol it’s getting rebooted in a year anyway so who cares we make this for little girls who love it” and Star Wars fans liked Ahsoka.
I never got this line of argument.
Or the “Argue about anything” line. If you say “Pikachu < Voltorb” in any Pokemon site, disagreements will start. Most discussions by different people with different opinions will be civil. People are allowed to like different things, have different tastes, and discuss different things. It’d be boring if we were all samey grey blobs like the ones from Fairly Odd Parents.
Anyone else seen that show?