Seeing as this was drawn a day after the prologue, I may as well upload them in the same order. I just noticed that they’re both over a year old now. Damn time flies.
Story: “Having put her plan into action and found the results to be very satisfactory, Adagio returns to Aria and Sonata the following morning to tell them of the news just an hour before the Apple family should be awake.
She decides to prepare them first, buying some hot coffee and quite a few breakfast sandwiches to preemptively quiet any complaints they had about her being incommunicado for a whole night.
Aria, seeing the thick roll of smallish bills Adagio casually drops between them, sarcastically quips in a very dry tone, ‘What did you do? Rob a convenience store owner or screw one?’
Adagio, sore from the naval down and too tired + sated + rested to argue right now, waits till Aria has the rim to her lips and is taking her first sip of the scolding hot brew before she replies, ‘Neither, I let a stallion rip me open and rearrange my organs, then bought you two breakfast with his pocket change.’
The resulting caffeinated, molten spray caught the nearby glow of a streetlight, almost producing a prismatic rainbow affect.
Sonata has the decency to swallow the hefty wad of grease, bread and cholesterol in her mouth before she questions, ‘Wait, like, you had surgery? We didn’t know you were sick!’”
As for why Aria’s a unicorn, nothing is more in your face like Aria than a horn coming out of hers. Adagio’s an earth pony as she seems the most down to earth of the trio. Sonata’s a pegasus ‘cause she’s an airhead.
I’ll definitely get round to writing this story. In time. Yep, not gonna procrastinate on this one… Any day now.