Terrible in a good way, for me at least.
Though her plans are kinda confusing, well thought out, but stupid once she actually nears completion... Makes me wonder if Starscream from Transformers is possessing her body and is in league with a future villain to regain his original robot body... Not caring what happens to poor Cozy Glow in the process.
Or she's possessed by a idiot from FiM... A particular idiot who would also do anything to get his body back after it was destroyed by a item he sought to destroy...
King Sombra.
Mal Hearts
Terrible in a good way, for me at least.
Though her plans are kinda confusing, well thought out, but stupid once she actually nears completion... Makes me wonder if Starscream from Transformers is possessing her body and is in league with a future villain to regain his original robot body... Not caring what happens to poor Cozy Glow in the process.
Or she's possessed by a idiot from FiM... A particular idiot who would also do anything to get his body back after it was destroyed by a item he sought to destroy...
King Sombra.