Viewing last 25 versions of comment by Meh brony on image #1826063

Meh brony
Condensed Milk - State-Approved Compensation

One magic spider boi
I'm aware of the context it's just that I'm used to modern day shows having the middle aged male be the villain with the cute little girl being the innocent victim, the only way the show could surprise me even more is if sombra and Chrysalis team up in season 9 and sombra is the one to redeem himself by betraying Chrysalis after getting horrified at how evil she is.
No reason given
Edited by Meh brony
Meh brony
Condensed Milk - State-Approved Compensation

One magic spider boi
I'm aware of the context it's that I'm used to modern day shows having the middle aged male be the villain with the cute little girl being the innocent victim, the only way the show could surprise me even more is if sombra and Chrysalis team up in season 9 and sombra is the one to redeem himself by betraying Chrysalis after getting horrified at how evil she is.
No reason given
Edited by Meh brony
Meh brony
Condensed Milk - State-Approved Compensation

One magic spider boi
I'm aware of the context it's that I'm used to modern day shows having the middle aged male be the villain with the cute little girl being the innocent victim the only way the show could surprise me even more is if sombra and Chrysalis team up in season 9 and sombra is the one to redeem himself by betraying Chrysalis after getting horrified at how evil she is.
No reason given
Edited by Meh brony