Viewing last 25 versions of comment by Background Pony #CD94 on image #1819334

Background Pony #CD94
The last laugh from Neighsay will happen when Indigo Zap appears out of nowhere and she is revealed to be a Shadowbolt.

That would make Rainbow Dash and the Wonderbolts jealous.

Reason: Rule #6 - this isn't a /mlpol/ thread
Edited by Derpy Whooves
Background Pony #CD94
The last laugh from Neighsay will happen when Indigo Zap appears out of nowhere and she is revealed to be a Shadowbolt.

That would make Rainbow Dash and the Wonderbolts jealous.

No reason given
Edited by Background Pony #CD94
Background Pony #CD94
The last laugh from Neighsay will happen when Indigo Zap appears out of nowhere and she is revealed to be a Shadowbolt.

No reason given
Edited by Background Pony #CD94
Background Pony #CD94
The last laugh from Neighsay will happen when Indigo Zap appears out of nowhere and she is revealed to be a Shadowbolt.
No reason given
Edited by Background Pony #CD94