Background Pony #1490
@Background Pony #FE9A  
For the last time, be quiet. Just quit being harsh and  
respect the artist from now on. That’s all I ask.
Background Pony #8BA9
@Background Pony #E601  
Do I sound like I care?
Background Pony #1490
@Background Pony #FE9A  
I said conversation is done. I was serious.
Background Pony #8BA9
@Background Pony #E601  
Clearly they were.
Background Pony #1490
@Background Pony #FE9A  
The artist wasn’t impatient. And now this conversation ends here.
Background Pony #8BA9
@Background Pony #E601  
Since when is 70% effort “one’s best”?  
This is not the result someone gets from trying hard. This is the result of someone being too impatient to take a few simple steps in integrating a photo and a screencap.
Background Pony #1490
@Background Pony #FE9A  
Look, the artist does his best, and puts at least 70% effort.  
Just quit being harsh. Let’s just respect the artist from  
now on.
Background Pony #8BA9
@Background Pony #A3A2  
My artwork gets disrespected enough. That’s part of being an artist. You either learn to deal with it or you quit.
Yeah, I’m being harsh, as is befitting a picture in which very little effort was put in. I’m not going to praise a piece of artwork just because someone took five minutes to overlay a low-resolution cutout of two background characters over a photo and then slap a couple grey circles underneath them because it doesn’t deserve it.
There’s a huge difference between an artist who isn’t very good, but tries his best to make something and someone who just couldn’t be bothered to put out the effort. The former deserves to be encouraged and the latter criticized.
Background Pony #7848
@Background Pony #FE9A  
You really need to learn how to say something nice about the artist’s  
artwork, okay? Do not call it “lazy”. How would you feel if someone disrespected  
your artwork?
Background Pony #1490
@Background Pony #FE9A  
Perhaps their shadows should have been more darker instead.
Background Pony #8BA9
I’m sorry. Even the shadows weren’t set to multiply. This is some of the laziest art there is.