@Background Pony #E601
The comments won’t be locked. But you can stop replying to people and they will have nothing left to say.
Or you can stop returning to check for new comments if they bother you that much.
@Background Pony #E601
I never commented on the subject matter;only on the execution. Draw whatever subject you want, but don’t expect praise. If you put in the effort, I’m more than willing to be understanding even if it’s not up to snuff. This one shows no attempt to integrate the photo and the vectors and just looks like a copy/paste job.
I suspect that you are the artist posting anonymously since you seem to be taking this so gravely.
@Background Pony #E601
Then stop coming back to this comment thread. Nobody exists to make you comfortable. Stop acting like you’re the boss of other people.
@Background Pony #E601
A) There is no reason why I should take commands from you. B) It’s more disrespectful to treat this artist as a little baby incapable of taking criticism when his work is sloppy.