Your problems do not entitle you to mistreat others and do not make their problems unreal.
As for “telling people what they should be offended by”, I’m acknowledging that people are offended by things. You’re telling them that they should never be offended by anything (which is impossible). That’s not hyperbole; that’s exactly what OP directly said.
So not only do you deny that hurting people’s feelings hurts their feelings, you don’t even think that condescension is insulting.
And you admit to going out of your way to be offensive, yet you attack me for noticing this. And for pointing out facts. Or, as you call them, “absolutes”. Like “bullying is bullying”.
But really, all those hypotheticals, assumptions, strawmen and name-calling are just a distraction. The core of the matter is this: people should take each other’s feelings into consideration. OP is directly opposed to that.
Literally every single person who complains about having to be “PC” or about people being offended by their shit is a massive fucking shithead who should be shipped off to Iran. I used to think there were probably exceptions - like, they were just utter morons - but no. All of them are douchenozzles. Fuck ‘em; they can’t legitimately complain, because if they didn’t want to be stoned to death, their internal organs wouldn’t be crushable. :) Buncha babies who can’t deal with the fact that being a wanker makes people dislike you, and that words have consequences.
No. As I said. I’m not wasting my time with you anymore. I have a very serious problem in my life right now, and I bloody well don’t care about what mean words you think people should be offended by.
You’re the one using absolutes in your arguments as in “being offended means you’re a victim”. Of course I’m mocking the extremes because it is the extremes which led to the whole Derpy fiasco in the first place. Oh, and you may be surprised to see that I didn’t actually insult the opposition. I’m being condescending because I think they’re deluded.
That wasn’t even an argument. That was just a flurry of insults designed to make the opposite position seem like some horrible demon which is immensely worse than what is actually being said. You exaggerated things into clearly mockable extremes, and brought up a “stereotype” completely out of nowhere.
But they’re not offensive. If I call your opinion stupid I’m not offending you. And you just keep stereotyping people, implying that because they don’t find words like dumb and stupid offensive that they’re bad people. No sorry, I’ve spent enough time on tumblr and SRS to see this for what it is. Pretending to be the most oppressed people in the world to be able to feel superior to other people. I’m done with this. You have clearly not spent enough time in the darkest corners of the Internet yet.
First, your examples undermine your point. Those are insulting because they’re insults.
Second, treating people with respect is not the excruciatingly difficult task you make it out to be. Most people who refuse to do so are actually going out of their way to be offensive, and just slap on a label like “jokingly” or a lie like “hurting people’s feelings doesn’t hurt their feelings” to deflect criticism.
Third, the “appeal to worse problems” is a fallacy. One problem existing doesn’t mean another problem doesn’t exist.
Look. No one is inventing new words just to harm others. But people have started being insulted by the most common words. Like idiot or cunt (not dick though because misandry don’t real). People are offended by the most ridiculous things and calling them victims trivializes the plights people with real problems.
No, see, lying genuinely doesn’t change reality. So when you say there’s a difference between two things, but they’re actually two different words for the same thing that were invented just so people could be hypocrites, they’re still the same thing in reality. No matter how many new words you make up for harming others, it doesn’t make a meaningful difference.
If you deny this, then what is the difference and why is it so important?
False. People only say that certain feelings don’t count as themselves, even though they clearly are, because it absolves them of responsibility and is therefore convenient. Because they don’t feel like acknowledging them.
Nothing false about them. People blame their victims for their own bad deeds, under the premise that their victims make them bad by being victimized, when it’s really the bullies and not the victims who make them victimized. The entire “well you could just turn off your feelings whenever they’re hurt” is a lie. Not even the bullies believe it; they never try to do it themselves, they just force their own wishes on others.