Welp i tought was a big power dragon…but well i guess its something i just hope is a good episode and not the predictible/classic episode of “jerkdadwhotriestotakeadventageforthenewlifeofhisson” or “Notyourfatherdudejusttakeadvantageaboutitandneedsomemoneyorfood”. Anyway i just this way better than “Dragon Quest” i want to know more about the past and origins of this lil fella
i think the episode will end with something like ‘‘you know what Spike, i may be your father, i may not be your father, i will still love you as one’’
as in, it is up to the viewer
Episode Plotline Guess: This guy shows up claiming to be Spike’s biological father. Spike is all excited while Twilight and friends are dubious. Twilight does research while Spike pals around and “learns to be a dragon” with his “dad.”“Dad” enjoyed all the benefits of having a “son” who lives in a castle. Doesn’t realize that Spike is actually the one doing all of the work of making life comfortable in the castle. Twilight confronts Spike about his “dad” being phony. Spike and Twilight get into a fight. Spike stomps out.
Spike’s “dad” reveals himself not to be a “real” dragon when he fails at something draconic. Spike will try to save the day but will fail and have to be rescued by Twilight and friends, AGAIN.
Twilight will reveal that she was right about everything AGAIN.
Spike will have to apologize to Twilight AGAIN.
They will hug and say that they are friends but Spike will receive no closure or confirmation from Twilight that he matters to her more than a good friend/assistant AGAIN.
Twilight will roll her eyes and giggle at Spike dismissively AGAIN.
We’ll have dealt with another Spike episode where he’s the buttmonkey AGAIN.
The “father” (we still don’t know if he really IS Spike’s father and all the summaries seem to put the word ‘father’in quotes) kinda looks…. I dunno…. rather young ?
This “youthful” appearance makes me wonder a lot of things.
Anyways, I’m intrigued by the episode. I have so many questions, and I hope some will get an answer.
In fairness to him Rainbow’s dad looks like he could be in a bowling team/ ska band, while Rainbow is a wonderbolt. So if he is Spike’s dad it’s not like he will grow up to be like him. Hell for good or bad zephyr isn’t like his dad so yeah.