I’m going to be perfectly honest. I was following a guide for drawing the female body because I am shite at doing so. I was doing so by drawing a pinup and eventually I decided that I may as well turn it into an actual picture. There are a lot of mistakes if you stare at it too long when zoomed in but what the hey. Also, I cannot draw normal eyes, seriously it looked better without them but I already chickened out with the mouth by replacing it with a mask… so. Yeh.
Also, I know I kinda covered everything here but I must say, thanks to my computer for bloody bluescreening mid-upload. Also on a totally unrelated note, thank you Derpibooru for saving my description, uploaded file and tags.
I need to learn how to:
a) Draw females better
b) Draw fur/mane/tail/hair better.
Welp, better up than off.