> "I'm sure we could put a bun in your oven." He said that as if he really thinks all girls want to get preggers. What if he fucked a mare, only to find out she was on the pill later? Would his heart be broken that he wouldn't be siring another bastard child?[/bq]
I guess he's betting some of his luck on his charmy looks as a zebra :P :D
And the fact the fandom considers zebras having a big dick :P
Or maybe the mare is infertile ? :D
> "I'm sure we could put a bun in your oven." He said that as if he really thinks all girls want to get preggers. What if he fucked a mare, only to find out she was on the pill later? Would his heart be broken that he wouldn't be siring another bastard child?
I guess he's betting some of his luck on his charmy looks as a zebra :P :D
And the fact the fandom considers zebras having a big dick :P
Or maybe the mare is infertile ? :D