EDIT Sky Skipper’s VA - Natasha Lyonne
Igneous Rock is a stallion of tradition. He inherited the rock farm from his father, and married the mare his parents chose,
Cloudy Quartz. His ideas are sourly traditional/conservative, an he is a cold and controlling father and husband - having said this however, he has his soft moments. he is very fond of all of his children, even if he is hard on them.
The couple had two daughters together: Two fillies. First came Limestone Pie, loud and brash even as a little newborn foal - and then Maud, a comparitively quiet filly, who hardly cried at all. These were the only children the couple had decided to have…and to any onlooker, they appeared a happy, traditional family unit.
The truth, however, couldn’t be further from that.
Cloudy Quartz did not share Igneous’ traditional values. She found being cooped up in a controlling, laborous, backwards rock farm to be near unbearable. She loved her children, but she was miserable, and she couldn’t deny it any longer.
On a trip out of town to collect supplies, Cloudy Quartz took a chance in a bar, and came across
Sky Skipper, a wild, care free couch surfer. She was truly something else, and pretty much everything Cloudy had bee searching for - just for one night, she told herself, she would let herself be wild and free and run away with this mare. Igneous didn’t have to know.
But obviously, it couldn’t be just one night. Cloudy would come up with excuses to go out of town, to meet with Skipper, and to have just another wild night. Her relationship with Skipper changed, moving from strangers, to friends, to best friends, and to lovers… And all ths time, Igneous had no clue that Skipper even existed - for the most part, in any case.
Cloudy fell unexpectedly pregnant. And she knew it was Skippers.
She cut off her visits out of town, refusing conact with Skipper in any way. She eventually broke the news to Igneous, hoping he would believe it was hers. He was shocked, of course, and a little disgruntled that it disrupted the traditional structure of PLANNED children, but it was just a small bump in the road, and for the course of the pregnancy he expected the child was his. Cloudy prayed that the child wouldn’t take too much after Skipper, and that she could uphold the lie.
But lol nah
ickle pinkie pie was born. bright pink, just like her home wrecker mother. Igneous knew from the day she was born that there was no way this filly was his own, and though he never uttered a word about it, it showed in his actions. Cloudy had jokingly suggested calling her pinkie, because of her coat and mane, but Igneous made no contributions himself, and so the name had to stick.
Igneous was too traditional to make any sort of fuss and admit to others that this child was not in fact his, but he rejected this child through his actions. Though he was cold to all his children, Pinkie got it hardest, and was given the most work. Cloudy however, made up for this. She loved Pinkie dearly, and considers her her favourite child (though she would never admit it). Her bubbly charm reminded her so much of Skipper.
Not long after Pinkie’s birth, Igneous and Cloudy had one last filly, Marble Pie. Igneous had convinced Cloudy to have another, so he could feel some resembelance of control over what his family was and take back the reins in the household. After Marble was born, they had no more foals, and their marriage was a difficult, distant one.
Pinkie never knew about Skipper, until after the death of her father (Igneous is significantly older than Cloudy). Cloudy finally revealed it to Pinkie, finally feeling safe to do so. Having had a cold and cruel father, Pinkie feels compelled to find Skipper for some amount of closure. Whether she finds her or not, and what skipper thinks, I haven’t really decided on….