Please note: sunset shimmer sings this to a much younger Sci twi. (Sci twi age 5)
Twilight: mamma sing me a song.
sunset: a song huh…well let’s see here.
(Please note again: this is my own song. If anyone has seen children of the night. (My little pony Luna song. Then that’s what I’m doing)
🎶sunset: come in my world of daydream nightmares can’t heart you anymore.
i saw the light of the day time….happy and sweet dreams around you.
Here your safe in my arms I’ll keep you here for ever……..(music)
sunset: your nightmare well not come here know more so rast you head and sleep sound…..the day well come and new day is here time for more daydream…..(music)
sunset: so lay your head down… arms well keep you safe and sound……(music)
sunset: night my little twilight…sweet dreams.
Please read description: attention all DA user you may use this. For any kind of music video..just make sure you ask…and if you have a YouTube and wish to use it you may..the lyrics to the song or on this photo…if you use it for YouTube music video please give me a link. And create me if you use it for YouTube stuff.