I just realized the potential for a truly malicious marketing tactic against Earth Ponies: put addictive substances on the surface of the doorknobs to your businesses, or on tools you sell or other non-edible mouth-held things.
Soon enough, Earth Ponies who didn't open your business's doors or didn't use your tools for a sufficiently long time, will have withdrawal symptoms.
"I don't know why, but visitingBarnHomey's BDeanerypot too rarely gives me a headache..."
Now the question will be: how long till the malicious practice is discovered?
Twilight both in the S1 premiere, and S2 finale shows paranoia/conspiracy-theorist sympthoms. How many other ponies like her are out there?
Likes good dialogue.
I just realized the potential for a truly malicious marketing tactic against Earth Ponies: put addictive substances on the surface of the doorknobs to your businesses, or on tools you sell or other non-edible mouth-held things.
Soon enough, Earth Ponies who didn't open your business's doors or didn't use your tools for a sufficiently long time, will have withdrawal symptoms.
"I don't know why, but visiting
Now the question will be: how long till the malicious practice is discovered?
Twilight both in the S1 premiere, and S2 finale shows paranoia/conspiracy-theorist sympthoms. How many other ponies like her are out there?