Pomegranates :P
Equestria is almost an anarchy.
Akes you wonder. If these fireworks weren't illegal. Why would Trixie have felt the need to sell them to Pinkie in a back alley at midnight?
And furthermore. If they were illegal. You'd think Pinkie would have been prosecuted for unlawful use of dangerous explosives in front of a crowd of ponies, right? Hell she even openly admitted to making a shady deal with Trixie to a crowd that included two of Equestria's mosy powerful royalties.
Then again... It's also likely she is under special imminity due to her connection with said royalty and her hero status.
Akes you wonder. If these fireworks weren't illegal. Why would Trixie have felt the need to sell them to Pinkie in a back alley at midnight?
And furthermore. If they were illegal. You'd think Pinkie would have been prosecuted for unlawful use of dangerous explosives in front of a crowd of ponies, right? Hell she even openly admitted to making a shady deal with Trixie to a crowd that included two of Equestria's mosy powerful royalties.
Then again... It's also likely she is under special imminity due to her connection with said royalty and her hero status.