[bq="Badumsquish"]) "
> [@Frustration in Excelsis":](/1708901#comment_7066112
> I'd absolutely face legal trouble, but nobody would pity the vandal. I'd probably be hailed as some kind of memetic hero for it if it was uploaded to Youtube :P[/bq]
Or called violent and unstable for retaliating against property damage with bodily harm. Your car can be washed off and repaired, but physical injury, especially as serious as broken bones, can stick with someone for far longer, and incur far more cost. And thinking you'd be hailed a hero for an act of disproportionate, retaliatory violence is frankly kinda concerning.
Don't get me wrong, I'm all for using force to_*stop_* violence, but beating someone up for damaging your property is disproportionate retribution. You _*should_* punish the wrongdoer through the law, ideally by setting a camera up in your car so you can catch the little [spoiler]||buck[/spoiler]||wad in the act and present it as proof to authorities, or if they prove apathetic and incompetent, put it up online so everyone knows what the little [spoiler]||colt[/spoiler]||wipe looks like. They damage your property, you damage their reputation. _*That's_* fair retribution.
> [bq="Badumsquish"]"@Silver_lining":](/1708901#comment_7066137
> Honestly though, what else was she supposed to do? She clearly tried to just move on with her life, but people wouldn't let her. It was bullshit she targeted Twilight for no real reason, yeah, but it's not like she just said "Welp, a single bad thing happened to me. Time to ruin every life I ever come into contact with to soothe my own soulless existence"; Trixie seemed like a pretty clear case of "These people aren't going to stop. Time to fight back." :/[/bq]
She could, you know, report to authorities that she's being harassed? And since she's so keen on using magic for retribution, she could turn around and spray-paint the ponies who vandalized her cart. That would be far less extreme than what she did with the amulet.
Again, we're only getting Trixie's account. For all we know, she made that whole scene up, since she's using magic and all, and she's speaking from a defensive position. And again,_*she had no right to enslave, disfigure, and torture people_* . That's not fighting back, that's cruelty, far worse than _*anything_* we know that happened to her.
It seriously concerns me when fans are willing to handwave more serious evils comitted by the subjects of their sympathy while condemning the lesser evils comitted against said characters. This is why I strongly dislike Draco In Leather Pants.
> [@Frustration in Excelsis](/1708901#comment_7066112)
> [@Silver_lining](/1708901#comment_7066137)
> Agree. Trixie is ultimately the cause of a lot of her own problems, though some colossally bad luck compounded some of those problems. Pre-Starlight friendship, she's that sorta-friend who you want to succeed but is kind of a dick and keeps making bad decisions. Post-Starlight she's still kind of a dick but at least she finally has someone she trusts who can reign in her behavior a little.
It certainly doesn't help that Trixie had a couple of guillible dum-dum fanboys whose parents evidently hadn't taught them that going to the lair of a big, dangerous animal is a bad idea.
> [@Frustration in Excelsis
> I'd absolutely face legal trouble, but nobody would pity the vandal. I'd probably be hailed as some kind of memetic hero for it if it was uploaded to Youtube :P
Or called violent and unstable for retaliating against property damage with bodily harm. Your car can be washed off and repaired, but physical injury, especially as serious as broken bones, can stick with someone for far longer, and incur far more cost. And thinking you'd be hailed a hero for an act of disproportionate, retaliatory violence is frankly kinda concerning.
Don't get me wrong, I'm all for using force to
> [
> Honestly though, what else was she supposed to do? She clearly tried to just move on with her life, but people wouldn't let her. It was bullshit she targeted Twilight for no real reason, yeah, but it's not like she just said "Welp, a single bad thing happened to me. Time to ruin every life I ever come into contact with to soothe my own soulless existence"; Trixie seemed like a pretty clear case of "These people aren't going to stop. Time to fight back." :/
She could, you know, report to authorities that she's being harassed? And since she's so keen on using magic for retribution, she could turn around and spray-paint the ponies who vandalized her cart. That would be far less extreme than what she did with the amulet.
Again, we're only getting Trixie's account. For all we know, she made that whole scene up, since she's using magic and all, and she's speaking from a defensive position. And again,
It seriously concerns me when fans are willing to handwave more serious evils comitted by the subjects of their sympathy while condemning the lesser evils comitted against said characters. This is why I strongly dislike Draco In Leather Pants.
> [@Frustration in Excelsis](/1708901#comment_7066112)
> [@Silver_lining](/1708901#comment_7066137)
> Agree. Trixie is ultimately the cause of a lot of her own problems, though some colossally bad luck compounded some of those problems. Pre-Starlight friendship, she's that sorta-friend who you want to succeed but is kind of a dick and keeps making bad decisions. Post-Starlight she's still kind of a dick but at least she finally has someone she trusts who can reign in her behavior a little.
It certainly doesn't help that Trixie had a couple of guillible dum-dum fanboys whose parents evidently hadn't taught them that going to the lair of a big, dangerous animal is a bad idea.