Good question: for me, as much as franchises get created.
But then you can divide it by studios, countries, age ratings, ages of animation, shared universes, canon...
To sum up, as long as we have imagination and think individually, this land has all the worlds we can wish. It’s made of our memories and tastes...
You know, and now I’m being seriouas, sometimes, thinking and imagining like this, like eternal overgrown children... It’s quite worthy.
El retorn de Jan
Good question: for me, as much as franchises get created.
But then you can divide it by studios, countries, age ratings, ages of animation, shared universes, canon...
To sum up, as long as we have imagination and think individually, this land has all the worlds we can wish. It’s made of our memories and tastes...
You know, and now I’m being seriou