Background Pony #865E
"[@Konata Izumi Pony":](/1694177#comment_7014553
[bq="Konata) Izumi
>Pony"] "[@Background Pony #FE1E":](/1694177#comment_7014085
> Probably....
> Gloriosa and Adagio had evil plans.
> Juniper and Sonata were evil and cute
> Aria and Wallflower were ignored
> ???[/bq]
Gloriosa just wanted to safe her camp.
Juniper was cute, funny and just misguided.
Aria was not really ignored.
It just makes no sense.
> Probably....
> Gloriosa and Adagio had evil plans.
> Juniper and Sonata were evil and cute
> Aria and Wallflower were ignored
> ???
Gloriosa just wanted to safe her camp.
Juniper was cute, funny and just misguided.
Aria was not really ignored.
It just makes no sense.