Free to use
I paired Rarity with the spa pony guy for this just because I like his design. And Rarity does go to the spa a lot, so I can say that’s where she met him. I don’t really care too much about shipping. I just really wanted to design some next gen kids, I will probably do some for the other main six too. I’m going to be pairing them based on what colors look good together not by who I ship them with. So this isn’t about shipping, I just like to design ponies. I won’t be pairing any of the main six together or put them with other mares because it wouldn’t be possible for them to have kids. I know some people design kids for mare couples anyways, but I’m just going to pair them with a stallion instead.
So, yeah, this is just for fun, don’t take who I pair them with too seriously.
I also didn’t pair her with Spike for this, because it just seems wrong. I really don’t like the ship at all because I’m pretty sure Rarity is an adult and Spike is a child. He is referred to as a baby dragon.
I don’t have names for the kids, I’m terrible at naming.
The youngest has a grumpy personality. She spent way to much time around Opal growing up and the cat’s personality rubbed off on her a bit. She is sarcastic and likes to think she’s smart. She doesn’t have many friends because she is not very pleasant to be around. But she will eventually make some friends and her personality will change for the better because of them.
The oldest is very dramatic and kinda smug. He likes to be the center of attention. He likes acting and has stared in many plays. He acts confident but is actually a bit insecure. He likes to star in plays that will entertain other ponies and make them happy. His cutie mark is a shining gemstone.