Semantic Error:
A cyoa by TheBathWaterHero
“Alright Brandy let’s log into Slide Rule’s deck and jack off!”
>Brandy gives you a strange look, “Are you sure? I thought we were working.”
“Uhh, hehe… I was joking! Um, let’s run the finger printer of Paul’s deck!”
>“We haven’t found it’s network location yet…”
“Um yeah, I mean Let run the finger printer on Introvert and let’s get an Idea of how hard this is going to be.”
>“File are you high?”
>You shake your head no.
>“Alright. I’ll run the finger printer on Introvert. By the way did you really want me to masturbate with you to pictures of that mare?”
“Pfft, No I’m just, I don’t know. I should probably go out to the club this week and try to pick up somepony or maybe a griffinness or something… I don’t know.”
>“Alright, well here’s the results of the finger printer.”
Concord08 OS
>Looking the OS up on some forums you find that the OS has some vulnerabilities in it’s current release.
Current known vulnerabilities through ‘Execumax Office’ Integration. and sending requests from a false location and leaving certain files in that network location.