So there are more AIs other than Konji, but right now he’s the only one that’s effecting the plot of Ponytale.
The One on the right is Sinji, she was also made in the training faculty that Scootaloo went to when she was little, but Konji got to live with Scootaloo, and Sinji was sent into the wild. (It’ll be explained in the comic)
They still have interactions with each other and they can talk to each other through ‘mind stuff’ (I don’t know the word for talking to people with your mind)
Sinji lives in the everfree forest and the girls can go see her whenever they want, but they choose not to, and Sinji will keep them safe so they don’t get attacked by animals in the forest.
Now, the Only problem I have at the moment is that I know exactly when I need to introduce Sinji, but it won’t be for a while, sorry.
Alright, it’s 10:09 PM and I have School tomorrow, so this description sucks. Goodnight my little ponies… lmao