Alright so….technically I didn’t go anywhere and I could have put this up last week…..however 2 things happened that chopped away anytime for me to touch this comic up or anything like that. Thanksgiving, huge family party the Friday, and I had to go into work early and wouldn’t have had time to put a scheduled release for this up anyway. Hehe basically my timing was thrown off and oh school work was also a thing too I had due this past Tuesday cause finals are approaching and I am eagerly waiting on a weather job interview. :) Luckily this past week I was able to get into a decent groove enough to wrap up the last little 10% I had to finish off this comic I left in early August…surprisingly was a good little bit I had to do. Muffin is in this as usual.
Now here’s something a little funny as I went back to touch up on this comic….that last panel was gonna be a completely different panel and everything together. Like no dialogue but the panel was far different and it’s a little funny in a way cause that AJ if you look at it looks significantly more polished that the rest of the other ponies in this comic. Why? Well I mean the overall comic was started and stopped back in early August or so but I mean I was just getting the hang of the new style a little too. I mean still brilliant referencing I needed from Baron-Engelƒ on a good part of this back then especially. Hell I never tried half the stuff in this and it’s impossible to make it in the MLP style honestly. That’s why this hybrid style is so much fun in a way. But yeah the bottom AJ was more of how I getting there today on the polishment of the newer style I’ve adopted. So again it’s gonna be rough till I start pushing out the stuff I started working on in September or around the middle of that. That’s where I really started getting the hang on what I wanted and throwing in my own flairs. You’ll see, trust me. I did pass up on the shading attempts I been trying on this one cause I am gonna play with that a little more and see which works best. Anyway I really enjoy this comic though. Telling you, when I get into an off-season groove with Derpy comics I literally will just pump the crap out of them and that’s what I did on this one. TECHNICALLY this is was the first off-season comic I did after finishing the S7 comics so got to enjoy this one since it wasn’t into the seasonal grind. Plus it’s Derpy…I love Derpy stuff. :) Oh and shut up on why AJ doesn’t have the hat….I have this bad tendency not to draw her hat a lot cause I really at making it and it’s a pain in the ass usually. :P
Anyway I am tired….typing this at 7am when I should be sleeping. Should be able to push more stuff out this month back on a regular basis and not have to skip a week. I mean I really shouldn’t even skip a week anyway with how much I have back logged and needing to just touch up if I want to on certain things but right now this may be an interesting next couple week with me knowing if I got my weather future job and working out my final exam on this hydrology class that is kind of an important class for my resume and stuff. I’m leaning to pushing out an anime anthro…yeah remember those from before S7, I have like 3 of those remaining on my comp and boy while they looks like crap considering they are 9 months old almost I will go back and try and clean them up a little before I start releasing them like next weekend. hehe trust me I looked at them and boy I needed a lot more work on them back then. :| So anyway, I will look on the comments and stuff and onward to the next thing. Side note though, I know I couple people usually get concerned when I don’t post for some reason for a weekend or something but like I said…mostly it’s just me getting stupidly busy for a week and there was no time. :iconderpy-hooves:
How I was Done: Paper then Photoshop CS6
Derpy, Applejack © Hasbro
Art © Me
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