Viewing last 25 versions of comment by Gyroido on image #1600644

Wallet After Summer Sale -
Artist -

"[@Background Pony #5620":](/1600644#comment_6720615
I respect the time and effort artists put into their work; where did I state I didn't? (I literally just spent 14 hours on a drawing I did myself, I'm well aware of the effort and time and how much it means to artists.) What I did state however is that telling people that what they think about your work is unnecessary, is wrong.

You literally just can't take any form of criticism or even little observational statements about your work that isn't positive. Yes it sucks to have the first thing for someone to say about something you spent ages on be neutral or negative, but that's something you have to deal with, instead of taking it to heart and jumping the gun on defending yourself over someone saying "the waist looks uncomfortable to me." which isn't even a criticism of the work itself, it's a personal preference statement about the work that isn't saying it's good or bad.

Like you stated yourself, it's that person's personal preference. Why do you care enough to tell them it's unnecessary to voice it?
No reason given
Edited by Gyroido
Wallet After Summer Sale -
Artist -

"@Background Pony #5620":/1600644#comment_6720615
I respect the time and effort artists put into their work; where did I state I didn't? (I literally just spent 14 hours on a drawing I did myself, I'm well aware of the effort and time and how much it means to artists.) What I did state however is that telling people that what they think about your work is unnecessary, is wrong.

You literally just can't take any form of criticism or even little observational statements about your work that isn't positive. Yes it sucks to have the first thing for someone to say about something you spent ages on be neutral or negative, but that's something you have to deal with, instead of taking it to heart and jumping the gun on defending yourself over someone saying "the waist looks uncomfortable to me." which isn't even a criticism, it's a statement about the work that isn't saying it's good or bad.

Like you stated yourself, it's that person's personal preference. Why do you care enough to tell them it's unnecessary to voice it?
No reason given
Edited by Gyroido
Wallet After Summer Sale -
Artist -

"@Background Pony #5620":/1600644#comment_6720615
I respect the time and effort artists put into their work; where did I state I didn't? (I literally just spent 14 hours on a drawing I did myself, I'm well aware of the effort and time and how much it means to artists.) What I did state however is that telling people what they think about your work is unnecessary, is wrong.

You literally just can't take any form of criticism or even little observational statements about your work that isn't positive. Yes it sucks to have the first thing for someone to say about something you spent ages on be neutral or negative, but that's something you have to deal with, instead of taking it to heart and jumping the gun on defending yourself over someone saying "the waist looks uncomfortable to me." which isn't even a criticism, it's a statement about the work that isn't saying it's good or bad.

Like you stated yourself, it's that person's personal preference. Why do you care enough to tell them it's unnecessary to voice it?
No reason given
Edited by Gyroido