I think we can say that the 13th Doctor’s run was basically the revival era’s version of the 6th Doctor’s run - a promising and energetic portrayal of the Doctor that was ultimately let down by horrible script writing and behind the scenes production issues.
Just note, I pretty much accepted many of the more stranger things the show has done, such as when making Clara the most important character to the point of splitting her into multiple copies, the Time Lords being alive when thought dead for half of Davies’s run, Missy being the Master’s new regeneration, The 13th Doctor being a woman, the fact the 11th Doctor was the “last regeneration”. Me being irked at the entire aspect of the Doctor’s back story being thrown out the window since “The Deadly Assassin doesn’t automatically mean I’m going to end up like those annoying bitter youtubers who spam on and on how a Female Doctor “killed the show”, so thanks for the assumption :).
Continuity in the Dr Who universe is like continuity in your grandmother’s cookie jar.
Every time you open the jar, no matter what your expectations are or what you found in there last time, you have no idea what you might find. And no matter how much you eat, there’s always more in there.
Sure, it’s always cookies. But beyond that each handful might be different.
@The Glim Glam
If that’s the Worse. Thing. Ever. - the most egregious offense to your favorite show of all time - it sounds like you’re in a pretty happy place. Comtrya!
@The Glim Glam
I heard he actually liked the timeless child Also I feel that retconing it is the easy option.
But apparently Chris wants Russell to ignore it because he wanted it to be a mystery
@Eurvos Morgenbrise
RTD is back David Tennant is back (but not as 10) Catherine Tate is back as Donna
and we have a new Doctor (though you probably already know this)
@The Glim Glam
In hindsight I feel that Chris got To ambitious. Introducing interesting ideas but never really Using them to their full potential. Hell the overall outcome of the timeless child had been nothing
Also, the idea of a new regeneration cycle was first brought up in The Five Doctors, where Lord President Borusa promises to give the Master a new cycle as a reward if he helps out the Doctor in the Death Zone.
@northern haste
see that’s what I think too, I’m thinking this is between Simm’s Master and Missy, but I wish they’d just acknowledge it so I can rest assured that Missy didn’t fall back to being evil - the Doctor didn’t know Missy was going to come back to him and it hurts my heart that Capaldi’s Doctor died not knowing that
@Background Pony #0848
I enjoyed the majority of Series 11 and 12, but I did feel there were a few stinkers as there are every season (MOON EGG) like The Tsuranga Conundrum and particularly Orphan 55 - like I was down with it at first, but then “BENNAY” happened and I just thought “god damn it”, and then it just kept unraveling until it became “WHICH ONE OF YOU FUCKERS KILLED MY BENNAY old woman screams”… and then the ending, what the fuck was that ending? it just… ended! no resolution, no assurance of safety, it just… ended!
but the Master, oh holy fuck was this a deliciously evil Master but where’s Missy?
@Background Pony #0848
And again the rants started happening the moment she was announced.
one of the editors reviews I mentioned directly remove the positivity towards Jodie