As Pat Benatar said YouTube . This is a Patreon reward for and he asked me to do a drawing of Princess Cadence in armor/barding. Now he stated that he didn’t wanted Cadence’s armor to look like Celestia and Luna’s
and I didn’t want it to be too close of a match to the armor I did recently for Tempest Shadow.
So after some discussion with my patron we settled on an armor that was inspired by the half, and three quarter armor often worn in the late 16th century. One of the advantages of this armor style is that the burgonet helmet often worn with it evoke some of the lines of the helmets worn ancient Greece and Rome which loops to appearance of the plate worn by the palace guard in Canterlot.
This is not accidental since the burgonet helmet came into existence during the Italian Renaissance when interest in ancient world suddenly exploded.
One thing that was fun to play around with is what we would consider the swept hilt design of the sword. Since the sword is meant to be wielded by a alicorn/unicorn by their telekinesis the bars on it are not there protect the hand, but instead exist expressly to catch, hold, and bind an enemies blade.
I hope you like what you see. Please help make more art like this possible by supporting me at Patreon