Viewing last 25 versions of comment by Background Pony #0254 on image #1563382

Background Pony #0254
"[@Background Pony #2297":](/1563382#comment_6604292
Have you actually read though the critic "reviews"
The problem isn't that the critics disagree with anyone's opinion of the movie, the problem is that the critics are prebiased towards the movie, be it based on premise or genre. Then write a half assed couple paragraphs stating that they don't like it and now they are suddenly the authority on if the film was worth watching.

The difference between an overtly critical brony and these "critics" is that while they are both annoying, the "critic" gets both a paycheck and a audience.
No reason given
Edited by Background Pony #0254
Background Pony #0254
"@Background Pony #2297":/1563382#comment_6604292
Have you actually read though the critic "reviews"
The problem isn't that the critics disagree with anyone's opinion of the movie, the problem is that the critics are prebiased towards the movie, be it based on premise or genre. The write a half assed couple paragraphs stating that they don't like it and now they are suddenly the authority on if the film was worth watching.

The difference between an overtly critical brony and these "critics" is that while they are both annoying, the "critic" gets both a paycheck and a audience.
No reason given
Edited by Background Pony #0254