Entry for the EQD ATG Day 6: A pony in peril/a pony steeling themselves
Kept you waiting, huh?
Now I know it has been some time since my last upload, but I got a number of really good reasons for that.
-Persona 5
-helping a couple of my room mates move out/organize new ones
-Persona 5
-switching jobs
-Persona 5
-watching The Perfect Pear about seven times
But mostly Persona 5.
Anyway, to my eternal shame I managed to miss the beginning of the Training Grounds; I shall endavour to catch up throughout the run.
As for the piece, not much to say. Been meaning to draw a pony in full plate and a sallet (wich has been scientifically proven to be the sexiest helmet in history) for a while.
Also in dire need of practice, so I’m hoping to get a few more digital pieces in this year.