Viewing last 25 versions of comment by BackgroundLoL on image #1489713

Fine Arts - Two hundred uploads with a score of over a hundred (Safe/Suggestive)

Also, I'm restoring the SciTwishimmer and Implied ShimmerGlimmer tropes, and would request to not remove them, as the artist states it's a shipping picture, and at least partially romantic jealousy in the picture's description - _"[SunLight will prevail":]( - and SunLight is one name for the Sunset x Twilight ship.

At the very least, the change should be to _*Implied Scitwishimmer_*, not entire removal of the tag, I think...
No reason given
Edited by BackgroundLoL
Fine Arts - Two hundred uploads with a score of over a hundred (Safe/Suggestive)

Also, I'm restoring the SciTwishimmer and Implied ShimmerGlimmer tropes, and would request to not remove them, as the artist states it's a shipping picture, and at least partially romantic jealousy in the picture's description - _"SunLight will prevail": - and SunLight is one name for the Sunset x Twilight ship.

A the very least, the change should be to _Implied Scitwishimmer_, not entire removal of the tag, I think...
No reason given
Edited by BackgroundLoL